Wednesday, January 23, 2008

wed a.m. update

first of all, success in that we all slept 8 hours last night! I moved carvers meds to midnight, and went to bed right away. when I woke up carver was alert but not desperate to go out. we did go out, big pee and a walk c around the neighbors house. breakfast was 1/2 can wellness lamb, his pain meds w/jack cheese, he ate a few pieces of his new kibble-wellness core, it is low in carbs and has excellent supplements. He did not eat out of his bowl on his on this morning, I had to bring the bowl to him. His amp site looks great, the redness is healing, hardly any bruising.

he seems a tiny bit down-is this the depression some people talk of after? after so many days of huge leaps and bounds forward, I hate to see him just wanting to rest.

I am leaving carver alone for the first time since his surgery, for the first time since his diagnosis, really, so it has been a couple of weeks. I have therapy for 45 minutes, and I want to goto the health food store to look at supplements. I am nervous to leave him! but I think it is an important step towards some more normalcy for the both of us. and I am going to have to go back to work next week full time, so it is good to take the next couple of days to start making a transition.

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