Tuesday, January 22, 2008

6 p.m. a great time for both of us!

I took a much needed shower. I feel like I am slowly entering back into the land of the living, that includes bone cancer, but is not the only thing. then carver and I went for a hop into the side yard-I have a new appreciation for this little yard, so much that i have designs to fancy it up so we can all enjoy it this spring and summer-carver had a good long pee and a poop, then enjoyed walking around the house. we came in, carver had a dinner of 1/2 can wellness sprinkled w/jack cheese, and I gave him his first joint health vitamins in a while-i dont remember when i stopped them-I guess when he was being diagnosed and started taking medication-he ate from his bowl standing up, went back into the kitchen to eat the traces of biscuit left on the ground, then walked all the way over to his old water bowl to drink. he looks happy, if a bit excited.

did I post that he had his pain meds at 5?

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