Wednesday, March 26, 2008

pond walk

what a beautiful day-the warmest we have had so far this spring.
as you can see, after a couple of quiet days, carver was ready to goto the pond.

he has not been this far ahead of me in a long while.

as soon as we arrived, carver made a new bull dog friend.

there was some running-

and wading!

carver got himself into the pond, which he has been dying to do. the water is high, but he found a place where he could both get himself in and out.

we walked back up the hill towards the dog bowl. carver found a soft spot in a pile of pine needles to take a rest-

and to chew some sticks.

on the way home, carver met another couple of friends, both black labs.

what is this 11 legged creature?

synchronized trotting.

it was a wonderful walk! carver did not want to leave!

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