Monday, March 24, 2008

the house is smokey

with the scent of a chinese herb moxa that the acupuncturist burned on the end of a needle, inserted into carvers hip. the herb warms the needle, so the point gets warm. she said it would help with carver's lack of enthusiasm on those cold damp days. carver is here next to me, asleep on the couch. he has really grown to love the the acupuncturist, j. he actually got up to meet her at the door, something he seldom does these days. I love how carver feels, to the touch, after being treated. his head is so relaxed and soft-it is indescribable but noticeable every time.

we had a great walk at ward's today, although i ran out without my camera. carver headed through the brambles again, and into the stream. he came home paws caked with mud and happy. it was a beautiful blue sunny spring day, with everything teetering on the edge of green. two weeks from now our world should look totally different. anyway, carver and i both had a sort of lazy weekend, with e being away at her folks for easter, so I was very happy and relieved to see carver full of spunk and wanting to go out for a long walk. I am getting much better at not panicking, I really am, but still, I like to see carver feeling good.

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