Friday, March 7, 2008

friday walk

carver was lying on his new memory foam bed when I came home, but he was all jumping and excited once I came into the room leash in hand. His foot has seemed much better over the last 24 hours. Knowing tomorrows forecast predicts heavy rain, carver and I cautiously set out on a condensed ward's pond adventure. Although his front wrist seems much stronger, carver's gait still seemed strange. Feeling his back legs, I noticed the muscles in his left hind leg feel very tense. Is this from over compensating? or is his stiff from bed rest? I followed his lead, which was that he really wanted to be on the move-he moved with a very quick pace the whole time we were out. I shortened the walk by cutting up on a path that allows us to skip the stairs. thanks to traffic, we safely crossed the jamaica way before the light, also bringing us closer to home. I am beginning to realize that this is the new normal, these moments of worry, these minor adjustments, these sore muscles. I think a part of me has been waiting for everything to get back to "normal" but really, carver has three legs! things are going to be different, more challenging for the both of us. I want to face each situation with calm. So tonight will be hind leg rubs, tomorrow a rainy rest day, monday the acupuncturist comes-lots of time to observe and care for him before panicking and calling the vet.

a couple of pictures of the walk

the ice on ward's has almost melted away. i do not remember seeing any snow on the ground-everything is a tone of brown, with new life teeming underneath.

a happy, panting carver headed up the hill, away from the pond

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