Friday, January 25, 2008


I decided to try to take carver on a different little walk after e suggested that carver being stuck walking around our little side yard might be one of the reasons he has been feeling down. carver RAN up the street! I had to jog to keep up with him! he was so excited-he marked his territory, found some bread scraps left out for birds, ate some fresh snow, said hello to some cable workers, and had a blast! we ran into our old neighbor a, who gave carver a big greeting. I got to see carver smile for the first time in weeks-all tail wags and so happy to be out in the world. I am filled with excitement, gratitude, hope and pride. I am already plotting out little walks to take him on. He just ate a snack of cottage cheese jack cheese and a new soft peanut butter cookie (a new dog product from trader joes with no weird ingredients) he is now resting, and seems like his old self. I cannot imagine a cheerier day! go carver! you are an inspiration! I will take my camera on the next outing to share the adventure.

on a personal note, neighbor a is also a buddhist, and we got to talk about what a great lesson of impermanence and of suffering this has been. great in the suckiest sense. lessons in impermanence are rarely not painful. it was so helpful for me to talk about this whole experience in a buddhist context, and to get to share how I feel like my sitting practice (although I have not been sitting in a long while) has really had an effect on how I have been handling this whole thing. thank you to a! It has inspired me to get back to sitting. meditation works! I want to be as present as possible for every remaining moment of carvers life, and of mine.

details-carver ate 1 can of wellness turkey this am, and took his pain meds at 8. he peeded and pooped both this morning at 430 am and this afternoon on our excellent adventure. derramaxx this afternoon at 2 pm. and his surgical site is looking great!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is great news! more good walking weather! more yummy snow!