Monday, January 28, 2008


Carver and I just came home from another amazing walk! I decided to put him on a leash , and he really got the message-leash=FUN! we walked down the street to the jamaica way, which is the beginning on our old walks. we walked around a neighbors parking lot, ate some fresh snow, and had a wonderful time. carver was great at responding to me on the leash, would go in the direction I wanted to, and did not act too old goatish when it was time to come in. he peed in a marking territory fashion, pooped a good poop, and climbed a snow bank! Lots of smiling and tail wagging. his walking gate was fast, thank god for the leash! It is a beautiful sunny winter afternoon, and we are both in great spirits from our adventure. today marks some changes for both of us-I am back to working full time, and carver is beginning to be weaned from his pain meds. this afternoon it he will only get 1 pill, down from 2, and we will progress this way until tomorrow, when we will be out of meds. I hope and pray that he is healed enough and will not be in pain. part of me is excited, maybe he will be less groggy! the other is so nervous-I do not want him to suffer at all. I will call dr. w if there is any indication of pain, and hopefully get him back on asap if there is any complications.

carver ate from him bowl both this morning (1 can wellness chicken) and this afternoon (1/2 can wellness beef with cottage cheese and beef broth. he took his derramax around 3:30. he even popped his head into the kitchen to see what I was up to! and he came to the door to see about his post walk cookie!

I spoke with an acupuncturist this morning about working on carver, here at the house. she is going to call me this afternoon to set up an appointment.

I could not be happier right now, or more proud! carver, you rule!

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