Thursday, April 3, 2008

sick day

I woke up feeling queasy with a terrible neck and head ache, the same way i went to bed, so I called in sick, something I rarely do. I think it is just symptoms of all the stress I have been feeling about carver. when I got up this morning we went outside, but carver did not want to walk. we tried again around noon. we walked as far as the side yard, where carver decided to lay down. crossed the street-lied down in the parking lot, then back home. we went out again at 6pm-he had a little more energy, we made it to the jamaica way before he needed to lay down again. I feel totally lost in all of this. he slept all day, which is normal. he is a bit more moany and groany, but I cant say when that started. I have a call out to dr. w but I have not heard back from him yet. he did jump onto the couch this afternoon, where I have not seen him in a while. I dont know. basically, I dont know. the not knowing is tearing me up. but what good would knowing be, if we are not pursuing any more treatment? I keep wondering if this is something small and fixable, of course we should fix it. but everything checked out on monday. I am also broke, so that is another layer to all of this. basically I just want carver to be o.k., but how o.k. can you be when you have cancer? and you are pushing 13? and you have 3 legs? I just wish he would go for a walk again. I just hope that this isn't the beginning of the end.

first off, he did NOT get tramadol last night at 11-I wrote that in early, fell asleep with said headache around 730 pm, never woke up.

tramadol at 7 am-1/2 can wellness venison, tiny pee outside, no poop
another walk attempt at 12, tiny pee or two
tramadol at 3pm
1/2 can wellness chicken at 4
derramaxx at 4
walk attempt at 6pm-some good peeing & a tiny poop
WILL give tramadol at 11, have set my alarm for it.

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