Saturday, May 17, 2008

today is carver's 4 month anniversary

of his amputation. a strange date to celebrate, I admit. even this morning I was looking at where the leg had been, remembering his long back stretches he used to do upon rising. he does a shorter, modified one, but it does not look as satisfying. it is a very significant day, though. the prognosis for a dog with bone cancer who has an amputation but no chemotherapy is 3-4 months. 3-4 months-we have beaten the odds! Back in January, when we received his awful diagnosis and was told he had a week to two to live, I never would have imagined we would still all be together on this glorious spring day. every day has been a blessing, but I would like to say that today is a little extra special, knowing we really have been given a gift with carver doing as well as he has been. it was a slow day in terms of walking. this morning was rainy and cold, and carver didn't want to get off the couch. then the clouds burned off, only to reveal a burning hot sun-too hot this time. we are waiting for just right. carver and I walked up to the store, and we rested A LOT on the way home. e returned from teaching and picked us up on ashcroft street. He is always so excited to see her, and he leaped up and ran to the car as soon she puled up. now, after lunch and a couple of tramadol carver is asleep at my feet, one paw resting on my ankle. sweet pup.

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