Thursday, August 21, 2008

we walk, and rest

gosh, I have not been writing much these days. it is partially a reflection of the normalcy that carver and I have fallen into. we take short walks. we sit on the side of the road a lot, resting between bouts of carver leaping, sniffing, marking his territory. we jump up to great other dogs, despite any tiredness carver is feeling in the moment. he still takes derramaxx in the morning, although he has not had a tramadol in a long while. janice the acupuncturist still comes every three weeks to give carver a treatment, which I think helps him a lot. we hang out together every afternoon in the house, eating snacks, visiting with the cats.

but partially it is my not wanting to think of carver and cancer. I know this truth rests in the back of my mind always, but in the day to day I see him more as old man carver then cancer patient. his turning 13 was such a milestone. the party was cheery, but distracting in a way-I have not really let sink in-13! that is an excellent age for a big old dog. and carver is a grand 13, still full of life and happiness.

I am going to california in 6 days, to visit my sister and nephew, and will be gone for 4. e will stay home to take care of carv, along with our angel friend auntie lili, patron saint of old ailing dogs. lili is willing to sit outside with carver for 2 hours if that is what he feels like doing. it is a huge comfort to have lili in our lives-having help is HUGE. with e and lili I have a dream team of support, and know that carver is well cared for. but of course I feel sick about leaving. the thing that is hardest about having a dog is that you can't explain what is happening in the moment-4 days isn't a concept he can grasp (or can he? some folks who are into animal communication would disagree). I will explain it to him anyway. i guess a few days not being in care taker mode will be good for me (but there will be that baby...). and san francisco is wonderul. I don't know-I wish I could feel excited, but for now I am settling for not too freaked out.

so that is how we are! I want to extend lots of love to all FOC (friends of carver) especially those folks whose dogs have osteosarcoma.


Jess in boston said...

Hi Louise! I'm so glad I happened to check in today! I'm happy to see that all is still well and status quo in the life of Carver; my parents are in "decision-making" mode for our dog, as of today, and it's just awful. Knowing that Carter's being his wonderful old self somehow makes me feel a bit better.

I hope we see you guys before you go to San Francisco. But if not: Pictionary when you get back!

louise said...

my heart is with you and your folks-that is the toughest decision to have to make.

looking forwadr to seeing you & ryan in september!