Thursday, July 17, 2008

today is the 6 month anniversary of carver's amputation!

and it is a wonderful reason to celebrate. always on the anniversary date I think of those cold dark days helping carver into the snowy yard using a rigged up sling, just grateful to get him up and down the stairs in once piece. I never thought we would get to this hot and humid season, carver and I laying down in front of the fan.

so let me take this moment to share some of the gratitude that I feel,
for carver's playfulness today, despite the heat, teasing me with a giant branch in the yard.
for the way he gets up excitedly and runs to our bedroom when its time to sleep.
for the sound of his three legs trotting across the kitchen floor when it is time to eat.
for the way he springs up when he sees another dog coming his way, wanting to say hello.
for how cozy he is, always in the same room, resting at my feet.
for his sweetness, the way he gently licks my arm.
for the sound of his tail thumping against the floor, even when he is still laying completely down on the ground.
for his velvety ears.
for all the crazy white hairs that have spread all over his belly.
for his enthusiasm for going to his favorite haunts, even if it means just laying down there.
for all of this time, what a gift, our miracle old man, beating the odds.

I love you carver!

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